New Orleans

New Orleans might as well be the city that never sleeps and if you're heading down to the Big Easy be prepared to party. It's southern locale means that no matter when you come to New Orleans, it's a great time to visit. The thrill and excitement of the festivities is contagious. A Wednesday night on Bourbon Street in May or June is likely to be as lively a night as the best night of the year elsewhere in the country. Just ask the millions who visit every year.
The French Quarter, bordered by Canal and Rampart Streets, is the 100-square-block historic district that is home to the city's best shopping, dining and nightlife aka gay central. The gorgeous architecture is a feast for the eyes (the boys and girls ain't too shabby either!). Spend some time on a balcony overlooking the streets and people watch or head downstairs and join the crowd. Drinking on the street here is legal, and carrying your drink from one bar to another in a plastic to-go cup is common practice. What a glorious city!